Friday, October 10, 2014

Yes, I'm the stupid one.

I know it’s wrong. Still, sometimes I judge people. Based on their physical looks. They look incompetent. Downright stupid. That was the case with the director of the Secret Service. The first time I saw her at the televised hearings, I mused, ‘She’s incompetent.’ Even before she uttered a word. The same goes for Mitch McConnell, the U.S. senator and minority leader. He looks stupid. Yes, I know that’s unfair. A hasty and often erroneous way to judge anyone. I try not to. But still I do. Yes, another of my bad habits. Really, I should be far less judgmental. I know that people are judgmental about me, too. In negative ways. But that doesn’t bother me too much. Instead, I’m bothered by my own judgmental incompetence. Hard to accept the fact. That sometimes other people are right. And I am wrong. Yes, I’m the stupid one. –Jim Broede

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