Monday, October 13, 2014

If I had missed out on old age.

I try to not think of myself as old. But I’m reminded by others. Especially young people. That 79 is old. Of course, I dispute their assumption. Most of the time, I don’t give a thought to my age. Better to pursue life. In a reasonably happy manner. Involved in the moment. In today. I rarely stop to ponder my age. Because I’m occupied with other matters. Savoring whatever it is I’m doing. I’m not all that concerned about tomorrow. Or next week.  Every day, I’m in contact with my Italian true love. On Skype. Knowing, too, that I’ll be with her in the flesh most of the winter. In the Mediterranean island paradise Sardinia.  And that she’ll be with me. In another paradise, Minnesota. In the summer. That’s good enough for me. Yes, I have the good life. Because I’m fortunate. Indeed, it would have been a shame. If I had died young…and missed out on old age. –Jim Broede

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