Sunday, October 26, 2014

In search of the curious.

Don’t know if it’s wise. When engaged in conversation. I‘m quick to say what’s on my mind. Even when initially meeting strangers. I skip the small talk. And probe. Immediately. Wanting to know something significant. Personal, too. And it won’t take long for the stranger to know he/she is talking to a romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a lover, a dreamer. My aim is to exchange significant stuff for significant stuff. Of course, this may turn off some strangers. But that’s fine, too. Maybe the stranger is signaling that he isn’t worth knowing. I accept that. And get on with the next stranger. Don’t want to foist myself on just anyone. Instead, I’m looking for naturally curious people. The good news. I find them. Every time that I travel. Abroad. Little wonder. That I have a very curious and lovely Italian true love. –Jim Broede

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