Thursday, October 9, 2014

Julie the Wonder Woman.

Doesn’t surprise me. That my friend Julie walked on a fractured knee for three months. Able to ignore the pain. And the limp. And get around. As a supplemental care-giver for her Alzheimer-riddled father Ron. Maybe that’s what care-givers do. Ignore pain. Mental and physical. In order to get the job done. Julie had steadfastly refused to go in for a physical exam. The last one was 13 years ago. Until husband Rick insisted that she get her three-month-long limp checked out. Lo and behold. A fractured knee.  She’s being fitted with a knee brace. Yes, so she can continue walking. And pursue life as a long-suffering and dedicated care-giver. I’ve long claimed that care-givers need to take care of themselves. First and foremost. In order to last. Now it’s time for that long overdue physical (and mental) exam.  Rick has proposed taking Julie to the nearby Mayo Clinic for a five-day check up. I have seconded the motion. –Jim Broede

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