Friday, October 17, 2014

Amazing feats of survival.

I disagree. With all sorts of people. With organizations. With political parties. With religions. Even with my neighbors and friends and acquaintances. Yet, I find ways to co-exist.  To allow others to go their ways. While I go mine. Works fine most of the time. Even when there’s sharp disagreement.  I’m still able to get on with my own life. Of course, it helps that the Islamic State is on the other side of the world.  Helps, too, that I can ignore and hide from lunatic fringe Republicans. By retreating to my cocoon. I have all sorts methods/tricks. So that I can go on pursuing my reasonably happy life. Despite the numerous challenges and pitfalls. I make do. Because I’m a tolerant fellow. Adaptable, too. I’m learning to live in a world filled with mayhem and 7 billion people.  Yes, every day. I accomplish amazing feats of survival. Because I’m in love. With life. –Jim Broede

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