Saturday, November 29, 2014

Makes me a romantic idealist.

Imagining life. The way I want it to be. That’s one of my favorite pastimes.  It buoys my spirits. I take charge. Becoming life’s master designer. Usurping the creator himself.  Why not?  Doesn’t cause any harm. And does me good. Because I invariably take a romanticized approach. To life. I want to be able to slip back and forth. Between spiritual and physical existence. Living that way. Forever. When getting tired of  the physical realm, I want to ease into the spiritual dimension. And when getting bored with the spiritual grind, give me the option of returning to physical life.  I can savor ‘em both.  In fact, the contrast makes me more appreciative of life on both sides.  Similar to night and day. Can’t fully embrace one without a comparison to the other.  I have a desire. To always be. Alive and conscious. I’ll settle for either option. Physical or spiritual.  Of course, I also want to take rest breaks.  To fall asleep. Whenever I’m tired.  My assumption: Even spirits need sleep. Same goes for the creator. Pursuing full consciousness all the time – well, that would be too overwhelming. Maybe death is a form of sleep. The period of transition. When one passes from physical to spiritual. I can accept that. Makes me a romantic idealist. –Jim Broede

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