Monday, November 3, 2014

My favorite little idyllic niche.

I live in idyllic little niches. Isolated from the rest of the world. Away from the hustle and bustle. I do that. To avoid turmoil. In order to survive. And to be happy.  By doing pretty much as I please. I’m retired. Which means I don’t have to work. I’ve become a gentleman of leisure. For many years, I was a writer. For newspapers. Now, I write far more than when gainfully employed. But it feels different. Because I have no bosses. No editors. To put it another way. I’m my own boss, my own editor. Free. Independent. Another thing. I’m a lover. A dreamer, too. Because I choose to be. Comes naturally. Anyway, by the time December rolls around, I’ll flee Minnesota. And be off. To paradise. Sardinia, the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Living with my Italian true love. For the winter. Yes, living. Life the way it should be lived. In my favorite little idyllic niche. –Jim Broede

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