Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The substantial zombie-vote.

Voting. I’ll do it. Today. Because I’d rather have a Democratic senator and governor. Than a Republican. But I’m not an enthusiastic voter. Never have participated in an election yet. Where my single vote made a difference. The results would have been no different. If I had stayed home. Makes me wonder. If nobody showed up at the polls on election day. A boycott. Or voter apathy. For the hell of it, I wouldn’t mind if Americans were required to vote. They do it in Australia. Don’t vote, and you get fined. It’s only a misdemeanor. Ought to be a felony. Of course, that means multitudes of poorly informed voters turn out. But that happens now. In America. Zombies are allowed to vote. Little wonder that Republicans keep winning some elections. They’ve lured the substantial zombie-vote. –Jim Broede

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