Sunday, November 2, 2014

My gullible neighbor.

My politically conservative neighbor believes some strange tales. I told her. With a straight face. That I trained a dog. To poop daily in a certain neighbor’s yard.  Because he happens to be my political opponent –a zany conservative Republican. Turns out the neighbor believed my tongue-in-cheek story. Figuring I’d actually do something like that. ‘I’m joking,’ I declared. ‘I’m joking.’ Still, she doubted me. Knowing I’m the mischievous sort. An untrustworthy liberal and socialist sympathizer, too. Gets me little respect in my staunchly Republican neighborhood. Meanwhile, I’m wondering. If my neighbor believes that Obama is a secret Muslim. Born in Kenya.  Strange, isn’t it?  The gullibility of some conservative political zealots. –Jim Broede

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