Friday, November 7, 2014

Please, don't send me to Texas.

I could adjust. To life. In almost any country. Russia. Iran. India. Cuba. Nigeria. China. Because I would be fascinated. By the environs. And the people. Of course, there would be language barriers. But still, I’d find ways to adapt. Interesting, isn’t it? Because there’s one place in the world where I wouldn’t want to be. Texas. The political and social climate scares me. I’ve been to Texas. Several times. Yes, I should have known better. But give me credit. I wasted no time fleeing. I’d rather be in Hell. Come to think of it, maybe Texas is Hell. The ultra-conservative U.S. senator, Ted Cruz, hails from Texas. He’s a reflection of Texas. Imagine, hordes of Texans flocking to the polls. To elect and support Cruz. Scary. Scary. Scary. I’d rather be anywhere else in the world, but Texas. –Jim Broede

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