Thursday, November 13, 2014

Politics ain't my abiding passion.

I've learned about politics. As an observer. Over the years. Much of it as a writer. For newspapers. Covering politics. Among other things.  Yes, happenstance stirred my interest in politics. I even ran for public office. For the school board. And got elected.  I’m a political liberal. Though that didn’t matter on the school board. I still pay attention to politics. But I avoid participating. Other than writing about politics. When I get a chance. Like here, for instance. I’m aware that I don’t have any significant impact on political matters.  I’m a lone voice in the wilderness. Preaching to squirrels and chipmunks and rabbits. I have better things to do. Than getting deeply involved in politics. My relationships with a few friends. And with my Italian true love. That’s the important stuff.  More important than which party controls congress or the presidency. Though I dislike Republicans. Especially conservatives. Still, I don’t let politics and Republicans affect me in negative ways. Better to just get on with my pursuit of happiness. Finding reasons. To be in love. With life. Politics ain’t one of the reasons. – Jim Broede

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