Thursday, December 18, 2014

On being unfair to the unfair.

How we relate to other people. I think about it. Often. And I observe, too. That convinces me. That there's lots of racial bias. By whites. Toward non-whites. As for the reasons. That's hard for me to figure out. Maybe it's that people have been brought up to be biased. It seems to be so natural. To be biased toward people that don't look like us. Simply because they are another color. Many whites think of themselves as superior. And blacks as inferior.  Meanwhile, I think of biased whites as inferior.  And unbiased whites as fair and open-minded.  I'd like to be more fair and open-minded. Even to bigots. But then, maybe that's going too far. In my attempt at being fair. Sometimes, it's all right to be unfair. To certain people. Especially those that are being grossly unfair. --Jim Broede

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