Friday, January 16, 2015

If one gives the situation time.

Physical activity. I need it. For the sake of my mind. That's why I work out daily. Gives me peace of mind. And that triggers positive thinking. I'll even put up with physical pain. When I know it's doing me good. In the long-term. Yes, I believe in the adage. No pain, no gain. Pain is a relative thing. It's bearable. When one knows it's not permanent. For me, pain has always gone away. Eventually. Physical pain. Mental pain. Of course, some day I may die painfully.  But then the pain stops. Maybe forever. I wonder if that's the primary reason for people commiting  suicide.  To escape the pain of living.  So far, I've never grown tired of living. Even with physical pain. Even with mental anguish.  Maybe it's because things always seem to get better. If one gives the situation time. --Jim Broede

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