Sunday, February 1, 2015

A blessing.

I watched the Super Bowl game. With pleasure. With no distress. Or elation. Didn't matter which team won. I didn't care. Of course, if the Chicago Bears had been playing, I'd have cared. And my stress level would have rocketed. Dangerously high. Into the stratosphere. That's the price one pays. For being a truly caring and avid fan of any team. I feel deflated. When my Chicago Bears or Chicago Cubs lose. Especially if it's a big, critical game. In the grand scheme of life, it shouldn't be a big deal. If one's favorite team loses. After all, it's only a mere game. Not a life or death situation. But still, if I had been a Seattle Seahawks fan, and watched my team lose the Super Bowl game that they could easily have won -- well, I'd go sleepless all night. Lamenting. Lamenting. Lamenting. Anyway, I'm very happy tonight. Because my Bears finished the season in last place. And never made it to the Super Bowl. Yes, a  blessing. For me to be able to watch the Super Bowl. Without the least bit of distress.--Jim Broede

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