Saturday, February 21, 2015

About life and existence.

The fact. That I am aware of my existence. Able to get up. In the middle of the night. To contemplate/ponder the meaning of life. That is amazing. And that I have a layman's grasp. Of the cosmos. Of the possibilities of billions of galaxies.  And an infinitesimal number of planets. With life forms. And that we humans. Have enough technical knowledge. To send a spacecraft beyond our solar system. And to land space probes on Mars. Sending back video pictures. And that humans have set foot on the moon. Yes, amazed. Awed. The proper word hasn't yet been invented. And here I am. Griping. Just the other day. About feeling inundated. And perplexed. When bombarded. With too much information. Too much knowledge. Really, I don't mean it. I have too little knowledge. About my existence. And the meaningfulness of it all. But that's why I exist. Why I am alive and conscious. Why I am able to carry on conversations. Not only with myself. In the middle of the night. But with other physical beings. Some of whom I dearly love. Not only in physical ways. But spiritual ways, too. I am flabbergasted. Momentarily. But that doesn't stop me. From finding words. To express what I feel. About life and existence.   -Jim Broede

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