Saturday, February 21, 2015

I'm available.

A good day. Occurs when I'm completely and fully absorbed in the day. In the activity of the moment. It's as if I'm wearing blinders.  Focused on what's ahead of me. I may even lose track of time. Maybe that's as close as one gets. To living outside of time. In a domain where time is meaningless.  Hard to imagine such. But I'm trying. To imagine the creator of the cosmos. Living outside of time. If so, is he able to observe his creation? And make fixes. Fine tuning.  Maybe the creator created time. For the purpose of having a beginning and an ending. For his creation. Playing it safe. Just in case he botched the job. Maybe this was merely a trial run. And the creator plans on starting all over. Sooner or later.  With a more perfect model. If so, I wonder what changes he has in mind. And will he ask any of us for advice? I'm available. --Jim Broede

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