Saturday, February 21, 2015

A timely spiritual existence.

Wondering. What it would feel like. To live outside of time. Not sure if I could adjust. To the sensation. Maybe it would be equivalent to death. Timelessness means no beginning and no end. One would no longer be able to measure life. I've often wished. To live outside of time. But that could be a curse. One would have to live without a yesterday or a tomorrow. Maybe the only way to feel genuinely alive is to exist inside the framework of time. As a functioning physical being. But better yet. As a non-physical spirit. With essentially the same functioning capacities as one has in the physical life form. The ability to move about and to be cognizant. Able to see and comprehend the physical world. Able to communicate. Without the usual physical limitations. Plus the opportunity to live forever. Inside of time. Indeed, I could readily adjust. To such a timely spiritual existence. --Jim Broede

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