Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Laughing off all my worries.

I'm worried. That I may be worrying far too much. That's funny, isn't it? Don't know if that's normal. Maybe it's natural. To be a worry wart. Maybe virtually everyone worries. About something or other.  And some worry more than others. I'm thinking. About worrying more than I used to worry. About trivial stuff. Things I shouldn't be worrying about. But then, how does one differentiate? Between a legitimate worry and a nonsensical one. Most of the time my worries proved to be false alarms. Some of my worries reach the anxiety level. A bad sign. Even dangerous. For my mental well-being. Can one think too much? Thinking is good, isn't it? Unless, of course, one becomes incapacitated. By a deluge of worrisome thoughts. Haven't reached that stage. Yet. But fear being headed in that perilous direction. Eureka! Alas, a positive idea. A solution. Why not merely laugh off all my worries? And be entertained. --Jim Broede

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