Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Over and over and over again.

Occasionally, I've been written off. By a friend/acquaintance. Merely because of my flaws. That seem to rub the wrong way. Little things. Really. But degree and magnitude, of course, is in one's personal perception. The same goes for beauty. Again, in the eye of the beholder. I'm amused by it all. How friendships thrive and wane. Over peculiarities. Makes me wonder. Why I like certain people. And not others. Why we don't connect. Maybe it's lack of desire and effort. On both of our parts. Strange. On the other hand, I knew. From the beginning. We were fated. To connect. As if by a preordained grand design. Goes for both of the 'true loves' in my life. It was instantaneous. As if I had lived the chance meeting. Before. In another life. And this was a reunion. For which I was waiting. Makes me wonder. If there's eternal recurrence. And that I'm living the same life. Over and over and over again. My only regret. I never met Friedrich Nietzsche. --Jim Broede

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