Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A sure-fire cure for depression.

Don't know what depression is supposed to feel like. Therefore, don't know if I've been flirting with depression. I suspect that there must be degrees of depression. And that depression more or less comes and goes. Wanes. Fluctuates. Maybe even from hour to hour. Maybe depression is mythical. And mystical, too. My assumption: Depression is a state of mind. When writing/thinking about depression, it often makes me feel better. Perhaps less depressed. That is, if I was ever 'depressed' in the first place. Depression may be an elusive commodity. Maybe it's really nothing more than anxiety. I am a worry wart, of sorts. Though I am more optimistic than pessimistic. Or so I subjectively proclaim. Anyway, in recent months, I have been feeling glum. Not all of the time.  But off and on. Glum for no other reason than that I worry. About a variety of things/matters. About my health. About life in general. I worry about running out of time. About facing up to my mortality. Which can be a somewhat glum pursuit. That mimics depression. Maybe the answer is to NOT face up to my mortality. And simply get on with life. Without being worried or concerned about my mortality. To pretend that I'm not going to die. Sounds like a good solution. And a sure-fire cure for depression. If that's what it happens to be. --Jim Broede

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