Monday, March 16, 2015

Better late than never.

Funny thing. The older I get, the more sense it makes.  To not get too far ahead of myself. And to live one day at a time. If I think 10 or 20 years ahead. The odds are that I won't be around. At least not on Mother Earth. That's a little bit of a downer. In my younger days, it was easy imagining living another 50 or 60 years. And still be alive. And thriving. Now I focus on being a happy fella.  In the moment. Or in the relatively short term future.  I have lost the advantage of youth. The ability to postpone. To put things off. But now, delay could be costly. I may be running out of time. But that may be a plus. Making it imperative. That I savor life and love. Daily. Without miss.  Yes, I have adopted the adage of old age. Better late than never. --Jim Broede

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