Wednesday, March 11, 2015

For Julie: Still a long way to go.

My friend Julie is making progress. Slowly coming out of her funk. But she has a long, long way to go. In large part, because she wants to be liked by everyone.  Even by people who aren't worth knowing. That's a big mistake. One should be selective. Yes, limit one's self to a select few compatible friends and associates. Don't try to be everything to everybody, I tell Julie. It's all right to write off most of one's acquaintances. And focus, instead, on a few worthy intimates. Otherwise, one becomes spread too thin. Julie had a bad day yesterday. Because of a three-hour phone conversation. With her less than empathetic sister. The sister isn't good for Julie. Yet Julie puts up with her. Julie would have been far better off. If she had ended the conversation In 15 minutes. And gone out for a walk. With pet dog Sasha. Or with husband Rick.  Or with me. We would have exuded good vibes. In an effort to make Julie's day.  Instead, Julie allowed herself to be dragged down. By a bad-vibes sister.  Julie has to learn to take the initiative. By protecting herself. From the likes of her own sister. --Jim Broede

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