Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Happiness in form of a Snowflake.

My dear cat Loverboy seemed forlorn. Because he lost his longtime mate, Chenuska. While I was away this winter in Sardinia.  Chenuska was 20-some-years-old. And had to be put to sleep. Because of maladies associated with old age. Anyway, I went to the local Humane Society. The other day. And asked for a declawed female cat. There was only one that fit the description. A 10-year-old white cat. Appropriately named Snowflake. Her owner had a stroke. So Snowflake had to find another home. She has one now. With Loverboy and me. The two cats are becoming acquainted. Slowly. They haven't touched noses yet. But it's merely a matter of time. Nobody can resist Loverboy. They'll make a happy couple. And make me happy, too. --Jim Broede

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