Saturday, March 14, 2015

I believe in a charming falsity of life.

False hope. Ain't the worst thing in the world. Because hope is hope is hope. Doesn't matter whether it is false or not. Call it self-deception. That helps one get by. For the moment. Getting by is an important (maybe even critical) part of life. One doesn't really know if some hopes are false. For instance, hoping for an afterlife. A continued consciousness. An existence after death. So what if it's false? If it is. One will never know. Because one will have transcended into nothingness.  But to dream of an idyllic afterlife. That's a romantic notion. The idea of meeting up (a reunion) again with loved ones. Even a pet dog or cat. That's a truly pleasurable and morally uplifting notion. Nothing wrong with that. Even if it never happens. I reserve the right to design life. My way.  With my self-deceptive imagination.  With my embracing of so-called false hope. Maybe it's that I believe in a charming falsity of life. Enough to make me a reasonably happy being. --Jim Broede

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