Friday, March 27, 2015

A crazy design for the perfect world.

Maybe most crazy people get away with being completely bonkers. Because they have mastered the art of living secretive lives. They not only live underground. Avoiding other people. But some crazies have mastered the art of masquerade. Hiding behind facades. That may be the case with the Germanwings co-pilot.  He kept his crazy secrets. Right up to the end of his secretive life. Unfortunately, he took 149 other lives with him.  And his last act was no longer a secret. Albeit, too late. Therefore, I am encouraging crazy people to come out into the open. Into the sunshine. Early on.  To give us hints. Of what you may be up to. So that you can be placed in sanitariums (insane asylums). Where you could be treated and restrained and possibly cured. Yes, another step.  In my crazy design for the perfect world. --Jim Broede

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