Saturday, March 28, 2015

Thinking for myself.

I believe mostly what I want to believe. Especially when it comes to unprovable stuff. Such as spiritual and religious matters. Might as well. Because beliefs are based, in large part, on one's faith. Without the need for absolute, undeniable proof. One can't prove the existence of a grand creator, for instance. Anyway, I shun organized religions. But that doesn't stop me from believing in a creator.  As long as I have the leeway to define creator. In my own inimitable way. Which I do. On a daily basis.  Because my creator is elusive. And with a hidden identity and a hidden agenda. Little wonder that I'm confused. Of course, I could get by. Merely by professing that I'm a member of a mainstream religion. Thereby allowing those in the religious hierarchy to speak for me. But that's why I'm against organized religions. Don't like anyone telling me exactly what I'm supposed to believe. I'm capable of thinking for myself. And able to talk directly to my creator. At any time. Without an appointment. I have a direct line. And no need for pious  go-betweens. To put me in access. After all, I'm a free-thinker. Which essentially means I think for myself. --Jim Broede

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