Monday, March 23, 2015

With absolutely no regrets.

Better to be the care-giver. Than the one being cared for. In my 13 years as an Alzheimer care-giver, never once did I flinch and want to trade places with my dear sweet Jeanne. Yes, I'm better suited to being the carer. The provider. Though it took a while to learn the rudiments. Which meant taking good care of myself, too. With adequate respite. Then I became a sterling care-giver. Reminding myself. Constantly. That I was the one in the most enviable position. I dread becoming the victim. Of Alzheimer's. Instead, I became the beneficiary. Learning how to do the right thing. For my longtime true love. In the process, I was rewarded. By becoming a better human being. With absolutely no regrets. --Jim Broede

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