Sunday, May 31, 2015

Left to fend for themselves.

I know mentally ill people. Going about daily life. Without any help. Despite being desperately in need of care and treatment. They pose a danger to themselves. Some are homeless. Makes me wonder how they survive. Of course, some don't. They fall off the proverbial cliff. Everyone has a right to be free and to live pretty much as they please, associates tell me. Therefore, they argue, everyone deserves the opportunity to be judged as quirky rather than mentally disturbed. Hey, I'm quirky. And wouldn't want to be put away for my odd ways. But still, society has an obligation. To provide care for the sick. But I have an impression. That we neglect the mentally ill. Maybe because it's too troublesome. And awfully expensive. Little wonder. The mentally ill are too often left to fend for themselves. --Jim Broede

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