Friday, May 22, 2015

Where do rights begin and end?

This idea. Of guaranteeing everyone their autonomy. Isn't always a good idea. For instance, I have several friends on obvious self-destructive paths. Maybe even headed for suicide. When is it appropriate to intervene? And to compel the friend to get help. Or to even be committed against his/her will. To therapy. Maybe even confinement. And forced treatment. Yes, not always an easy choice. Anyway, I see a controversial societal obligation to help those in need of help. That especially goes for the mentally ill. To people that might potentially hurt themselves or others. In theory, I think people have a right to commit suicide. Unimpeded. But before they do it, why not require them to get counseling/psychotherapy? It'd be nice if one could be required to pursue happiness. Rather than unhappiness. But pure and simple, some people would rather be dead than alive.  Do they have the unalienable right to make that choice? --Jim Broede

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