Sunday, June 7, 2015

Does that make me selfish?

I take charge of my life. By steering clear of bothersome people. I even let go of certain friends. If they go awry. And refuse to help themselves. Take Julie, for instance. I try to have great influence. In the way Julie handles her life. Unfortunately, she does it in a self-destructive way. If Julie wants to commit suicide, I won't be  a part of it. I'll go my way. And eventually allow Julie to go her way. Julie has the option. To be a free and independent woman.  And to do as she pleases. As long as she refrains from  doing harm to others.  Julie does emotional harm to me. Only if I allow her to. I have the option to write-off Julie. So does her husband. So do so many people around Julie. I insist that Julie find ways to help herself. To become a reasonably happy being again. That's the only way I want Julie in my happy go-lucky life.  Does that make me selfish and uncaring? --Jim Broede

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