Friday, June 19, 2015


Every day. Tragedy. Wish I could avoid the news. And live in isolation. On a desert island. Where ignorance becomes bliss. The essence of modern-day news coverage. Each newspaper could have a separate section. Devoted only to human tragedies. Many perpetrated by the mentally ill. This one by a white supremacist. He's 21. Barely more than a kid. Goes to a prayer meeting. At a black church. Sits there for almost an hour. Contemplating the deadly and horrific act. He's about to commit. Pulling out a gun. Shooting nine people dead. Simply because they are black. Not white. Obviously, he's sick. Mentally ill. Full of hatred. If I had known him. Maybe I could have spotted what was coming. So could many others. He was in dire need of help. Intervention. Psychotherapy. I have friends and acquaintances. Maybe not as bad off. But still, they need help. They are mentally ill.  Psychotic. In depression. Addicted to alcohol and other drugs. Some of their lives will end in tragedy. Maybe suicide. Maybe acts even worse. As I and others. Sit idly by. Watching. Watching for the next tragedy.  As if we are helpless. To do anything about it. --Jim Broede

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