Saturday, June 6, 2015

True, true, true friends.

I'm capable of writing off virtually anyone. If they annoy me. And make me feel uncomfortable in their presence. For many years, that included my sister. When she was a drunk. Tried valiantly to do something constructive about it. But it didn't work. So I declared adios. Finally, 10 years ago, she saw the light. Quit drinking. And we are on good and friendly terms again. Yes, I insist mostly on conditional friendships. Had only three unconditional friendships so far. Maybe I should have more. But I can settle for three. True, true, true friends. Maybe everyone else qualifies as acquaintances. Maybe that's a rather harsh definition. I like many, many people. But not so sure that I'd sacrifice virtually everything for them.  Three at the very most. And even then I can't be sure. If I were really put to the test.   --Jim Broede

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