Friday, July 17, 2015

A Marshall Plan for the Greeks.

The Greeks deserve better. Than being relegated to a long, long life of austerity. There must be a better way of coping with a bereft economy. Perhaps more spending. In order to invigorate the Greek economy. So that it'll be an easier and more humane way to get the Greeks back on their feet again. The Germans say no. That the Greeks are responsible for their plight. And they should pay the piper. For not being as clever and frugal as the Germans. Ironic, isn't it?  When the Germans were defeated and beleaguered after World War II, they were bailed out. By the Marshall Plan. So much better than austerity. In essence, that's what the Greeks need.  A Marshall Plan, of sorts. Maybe instigated by the Germans. --Jim Broede

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