Wednesday, July 8, 2015

No sense in staying unhappy forever.

Once upon a time, I found many reasons to be unhappy. Merely took something going awry. Even the outcome of a Chicago Cubs baseball game. Or a flat tire. Or catching a cold.  I stewed over this sort of stuff. Put me in a bad mood. Letting  it ruin my otherwise happy day. I focused on what went wrong. Rather than the many things that went right. Didn’t stop to count my blessings. Because I was busy trivializing. Over an event over which I had virtually no control. Of course, it wasn’t trivial when by wife Jeanne died of complications from Alzheimer’s. In 2008. I grieved. But I survived. Got over it. And got on with the main mission in my life. The pursuit of happiness. No matter what happens. No sense in staying unhappy forever. --Jim Broede

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