Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Can't live without my happiness 'fix'

Too many unhappy people. It's sad. That they don't find happiness. I try to be kind. And understanding. To the ones I know. Some intimately. But I seldom lament. For them. Because I don't like to lament. After all, lamenting is an expression of sadness. And I try to avoid being sad. Of course, it doesn't always work. I have my sad moments. But generally, I get on with the pursuit of happiness. And the positive aspects of my life.  I occasionally write off a friend that refuses treatment for deep depression.  Because I don't want to watch his/her ever-worsening condition. Better to have a few pangs of conscience. Rather than watch a human tragedy. Happiness. Happiness. Oh, grand and glorious happiness. I often have the power and wherewithal to choose. Between thoughts of happiness and sadness. To tell the truth, I'm addicted. I need my happiness fix. Daily. I can't live without it. --Jim Broede

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