Sunday, August 30, 2015

At the center of my imagined world.

Yes. Yes. I know. There are billions and billions of people. Alive. At this very moment. On planet Earth. But still. I am the unique one. The only me. I am at the center. Of everything.  Because I am aware. Of my existence. Wow! Incredible! I not only imagine being. One of billions. But also a very specific one. Cognizant. Meanwhile, I surmise. That I won't always be. I am only momentarily alive. For a relatively brief time. Though I wish this weren't true. Thus the need for a religion, of sorts. An unscientific approach to life. As a free-thinker. Capable of manufacturing my own religion. Just for the hell of it. Yes, it does no harm. To put me. At the center of my imagined world. --Jim Broede

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