Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Coping with disappointment.

I'm easily disappointed. In events. In people. Happens almost daily. But I try to not let disappointments affect my mood. Better to get on with life.  In upbeat and positive fashion. I'm disappointed. When the Chicago Cubs lose a tough game. Like they did today. Years ago, that might have put me in a foul mood. For the rest of the day. By dwelling on my disappointment. Now I simply tell myself to get over it. Better to find something to be happy about.  Such as the Cubs being in the midst of a a much-better-than-expected baseball season. Indeed, a reason to be thankful. To the baseball gods. Meanwhile, I'm disappointed. In my friend Julie. Because she refuses to take my advice. To shape up. But then I mutter. That Julie will be Julie. And I can't do anything about it. So I might just as well shut up.  And quit trying to save Julie. Better to let Julie save herself. When she's good and ready. Meanwhile, I have better and happier things to think about than a constantly bereaving Julie. --Jim Broede

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