Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The age of entertainment.

The media want to keep us entertained. Rather than informed. Wasn’t always that way. When I was younger, and became a writer, for newspapers, my mission was to be informative.  To let readers know what’s going on.  Primarily in my local community. By the time I retired, my bosses wanted me to be an entertainer. To give the people what they wanted. Entertainment. Preferably in capsule form. So that one didn’t have to spend too much time thinking. Absorbing. Understanding.  I was supposed to become a purveyor of entertaining crap. That’s exactly what’s happening now. In the realm of politics, for instance. Donald Trump. Dishes out crap every day. Rambling. Much of it incoherent. But he’s entertaining. A modern-day comedian. An oddball. He really has nothing significant to say. He’s no intellectual. But give him credit. He knows how to make money. And to entertain us in the process. So that we can go to bed. Every night. Laughing. --Jim Broede

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