Saturday, September 26, 2015

I am grieving the loss.

I am disappointed. Almost daily. In my friend Julie. And I often tell her so. Maybe that's wrong of me. But I can't help telling Julie the truth. She's a disappointment. Because she's slowly committing suicide. By drinking herself to death. Could be that Julie is in denial. Believing that daily doses of  red wine aren't lethal. After all, she's still alive. But she isn't the Julie I used to know. Vibrant. And in love with life. Now she's out of sorts. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. She refuses to take a light dose of an anti-depressant prescribed by a psychiatrist.  Instead, she prefers a depressant. Her favorite drink. Red wine. Doesn't make sense. Or so I tell her. Julie says I don't have the right to tell her what to do. But that doesn't stop me. From giving Julie advice. Because I really like her. It'd be nice to have the once happy Julie around. For a long, long time. To tell the truth, I won't miss the inebriated Julie. I already miss the  happy and vibrant Julie. So sad. I am grieving the loss. --Jim Broede

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