Sunday, September 13, 2015

I can't watch any more.

I'm convinced. Friend Julie won't stop drinking. That is, on her own. She's so very, very addicted. That she needs help. She needs to be put away. For an extended period. In a setting. Where she's forced to abstain. And even then, there's no assurance that she will remain sober. She's likely to relapse. Though some alcoholics go into recovery. They are never totally cured. They are addicted for the rest of their lives. They are always in danger of a relapse. Alcohol has become Julie's pain medication. She knows it's ruining her physical, mental and emotional health. Ruining her relationships. With loved ones. Essentially destroying her life. Yet, she can't stop drinking. She's willing to lie to herself and others. In order to get her fix. To kill her emotional pain. In a stupor. When she's very, very drunk, she goes to bed. Falls asleep. Julie talks about quitting. But that's all it is. Talk. Julie is an addict. She knows it. But won't admit to it. She's become a liar. Ultimately, she cannot resist the initial sip. To her beloved red wine. Her only true love. Eventually, the sips become a glass. Two glasses.  Three glasses.  Gulps of wine. Julie blacks out. And becomes falling down drunk. It's so bad. So sad. So excruciating. I can't watch any more. Julie loves wine more than she loves life. --Jim Broede

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