Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I could stay put...and still be happy.

I like living in my handpicked, chosen element. On a lake. In Minnesota. In a small town. This has been my element. For 50 years. I'm used to being here.  Sure, I travel. Especially in recent years. To Scotland. To Iceland. To the Grand Canyon. To Yellowstone. Even to Death Valley. When it was 116 degrees. Hot as Hell. And every winter, I spend time. With my beloved Italian amore. In the Mediterranean island paradise of Sardinia. But I am most comfortable. Most at home. In Forest Lake, Minnesota. My most familiar environs. My cocoon. Where I write. And walk. And listen to classical music. And contemplate life. I'd not have to travel. Or explore the rest of the world.  I could stay put. And still be perfectly happy. --Jim Broede

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