Monday, November 23, 2015

Come forth, god. No more secrets.

God/the creator is too secretive. Doesn't tell me enough. About himself. And his intentions. Of course, I can listen to so-called experts. Theologians and high potentates. But heck, they probably know little more about the mind of god than I know.  They're in the dark, too. I'd rather talk directly to god. Man to man. Face to face. And get the straight scoop. What does he expect from me? And others. I want to hear from him. Speaking my language. English. And if I don't quite understand what he has to say. Then please. Give me the opportunity to ask clarifying questions. Give me conclusive answers. Not riddles ad gobbledygook. That keep me guessing. I crave answers. In the most simple and direct terms. Tell me, dear god, am I making an unreasonable demand?  By asking you to come forth. And to reveal yourself. Openly and clearly. Please, no more secrets. --Jim Broede

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