Wednesday, November 18, 2015

No thanks, to organized religions.

I'm neither a Christian nor a Muslim. Which means I'm looked on. With askance. By a few devout Christians and a handful of wild-eyed Muslims. Yes, the religious fanatics. The ones taking a holier-than-thou attitude. Toward me.  Of course, I'm accepted. As a pretty decent fella. By the vast majority of Christians and Muslims. But still, I have a few Christian friends and acquaintances telling me I'm going to hell, period. Only because I'm not a Christian. Meanwhile, I'm told in news reports to be wary of fire-breathing Muslims that have turned to terrorism.  That they may chop off my head at any moment. Simply because I ain't a Muslim. Indeed, a sign that religion is being carried to extremes. Little wonder. That I'm shunning organized religions.  In favor of being a free and independent thinker. On spiritual matters, at least. --Jim Broede

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