Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Unfortunately, I have no answer.

I have enough. To make me reasonably happy. Therefore, I don't qualify as deprived. But others do. The so-called unhappy have-nots of the world. Some of 'em are downright angry. Over the state of affairs, and their deprivation.  And they try to do something about it. By becoming terrorists. Often as willing suicide bombers, and more.  Going on killing rampages. Like in Paris last week. Seems to me that they're crazy. And that they could find better ways to become happy and decent human beings. Of course, this leaves me puzzled. I'm unable to fathom the intricacies of some human minds. Or maybe it's simply that the excessively deprived tend to become abundantly depraved. Makes me wonder what to do about it. Unfortunately, I have no answer. --Jim Broede

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