Monday, December 28, 2015

A matter of getting on with life.

Life is what one makes of it. One can see the same event. In two almost different ways. I have a choice. To give a positive or a negative connotation. To an event that had an impact on my life. For instance, my father’s suicide. Initially, I looked at it as a tragedy. With remorse. But over time, I learned to glamorize my dad’s decision to take his life.  As good. For him. And for the family. I put everything in perspective. My whole life would likely have been much different. Had dad stuck around. But his departure changed the course of our lives. Not only mine. But my brother, my sister, my mother.  Each of us would have to come up with our own answer. Whether it was for the best or the worst. As for me, it probably was for the best. Because I like the way my life has evolved. Therefore, I consider my father’s suicide a blessing. Not so sure that would go for my brother and sister. They had difficulty adjusting to life thereafter. But my mother was more like me. She knew how to turn tragedy into a blessing. By getting on with life. In a happy manner. -Jim Broede

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