Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Too slow for fast-changing times.

I’ve not kept up with the times. And don’t know. If that’s good or bad. More likely, it doesn’t matter. I spend much of my day at the computer.  Writing.  After having spent most of my life at a manual typewriter. Of course, a computer is dramatically more efficient and more versatile than an old clunker typewriter. But still, I miss the typewriter. I used to have a mammoth collection.  Received my first typewriter for Christmas. When I was in the sixth grade.  And quickly taught myself to type. By the two-finger method.  At a phenomenal speed. Became a shameless show-off. Fellow newspaper reporters came over to  gawk. At my blazing two-finger typing skill.  Yes, I was a master of the typewriter. So easy. So natural. Meanwhile, I have yet to fully master  the boundless intricacies of the computer. And never will. There’s too much to learn. Instead, I settle for the basics. The stuff that gets me by.  Writing my daily blog. And posting musings on message boards. And keeping my composure.  When my computer malfunctions. Though. If truth be told. I’m the malfunctioning one. For not keeping up with fast-changing times. --Jim Broede

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