Saturday, January 23, 2016

A test for true unconditional love.

I wonder. If true love. Means accepting a loved one. Unconditionally.  Though I might try to draw the line. My wife Jeanne was my true love. For all 38 years of our marriage.  Even when Jeanne had Alzheimer’s. Those were difficult times. For both of us. But I was able to stick with Jeanne. All the way. But let’s say. Hypothetically. That Jeanne was a rampaging alcoholic. And refused to go in for treatment. Despite repeated pleadings. I might have issued an ultimatum. Find a way to become a recovering alcoholic. Or else our marriage will be in jeopardy. I would never have abandoned the Alzheimer-riddled Jeanne.  Because she had no control over her fate. But hey, had she been an alcoholic.  I can’t say for sure. It could have pushed so-called unconditional love to the breaking point. --Jim Broede

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