Friday, January 8, 2016

After I've awakened.

Amazing. Just knowing that I’m me. That I have my own mind. An identity. A life. Maybe only a very limited presence. In a world. Known as the cosmos. On a planet called Earth. In a galaxy, I’m told, that has perhaps billions of planets. Furthermore, beyond our Milky Way galaxy there are speculated to be billions of other galaxies. How all this has come to be known, I’m not sure. But I accept it. More or less.  Because it sounds good and fascinating. And as credible as me showing up. In this place. At this time.  I don’t know why or how all this evolved. Maybe it’s mere happenstance. A fluke of nature.  Without any real meaning or purpose. Maybe it’s all an extraordinary dream. And I’ll better understand reality. After I’ve awakened. --Jim Broede

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