Thursday, January 7, 2016

Forgive me. If I turn chicken.

Wish me luck. I’m trying to stick out a full and complete Minnesota winter. For the first time in six years. To prove that I am a macho man. Normally, I spend part of winter. With my Italian amore. In Sardinia. Where I have yet to encounter a freezing temperature. Or snow.  Of course, there’s a consolation. Being in Minnesota. I’m still able to connect with dear Cristina. Daily. On Skype. For encouragement. Moral support. And for the opportunity to brag. About my ability to survive a Minnesota winter. So far, it’s been a relatively mild winter. Little snow. No sub-zero temperatures. But sad realities set in this weekend. Predicted wind chills of 20-below zero. But I will perform my daily regimen.  A 10-mile walk. Anyway, forgive me. If I turn chicken one of these days soon. And end up in Sardinia. Sitting beneath a palm tree. Sipping a cool drink. --Jim Broede

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