Sunday, January 31, 2016

Give me unhinged perfection.

Look at it this way. I’m as powerful as god. In that I don’t allow loved ones to die. I take it upon myself. To relegate everyone – not only loved ones but everyone – to a spiritual realm. There’s no discrimination. Everyone goes there. Even Hitler. Everyone has a chance for redemption. And forgiveness. And to live out their spiritual life. In a state of grace. Forever. In a spiritual dimension existing outside of time. This is god’s ultimate  act. Total redemption. Total forgiveness.  An utter state of blessed bliss.  Pure, pure love. Sure, you’ll tell me this is preposterous. A fairy tale. The work of an unhinged imagination. But hey, if I were god. I’d settle for nothing less than unhinged perfection. --Jim Broede

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